Hedy Lamarr Collage Cluster Earrings
- Citrine
- Hessenite Garnet
- Iolite
- Labradorite
- Green Amethyst
- Smoky Topaz
- Smoky Quartz
Length ⇢ 1 and 5/8 inches *
Find out the history, lore, & healing powers of each gemstone in the information sections at the bottom of the page.
We offer a brief version of this information in an elegant card format. You can find these cards in the Crystal Card blog post, where you can download & print it for yourself or add it to a gift! Click on the specific gemstone card & you will see a download icon. You can print the card out yourself, or let us know you are gifting these earrings through the "Add A Note" section at purchase.
For more instructions on how to "Add A Note," visit our FAQ's page.
Every earring pair is made with natural gemstones of the same shape & size, however, the color of the earrings may vary slightly. The difference will not be in the color itself so much, but a varying ombre pattern.
These 14k gold fill earrings are perfect for those who have sensitive skin. All of the metal components are hypoallergenic & with proper care, will not tarnish, turn, or stain your skin!
For more information on 14k gold filled metals & how to care for this type of jewelry, check out our information sections below.
Often called “The Most Beautiful Woman in Film,” Hedy Lamarr was more than what met the eye. While Lamarr’s screen presence made her one of the most popular actresses of her day, she was also an inventor with a sharp mind. Along with avant-garde composer George Anthiel, Lamarr developed a new method of “frequency hopping,” a technique for disguising radio transmissions by making the signal jump between different channels in a prearranged pattern.
Their “Secret Communication System” was created to combat Nazis during World War II, but the U.S. Navy ignored their findings. It wasn’t until years later that other inventors realized how groundbreaking the work was. If you use a smartphone today, you can thank Lamarr—her communication system was a precursor to wireless technologies including Bluetooth and Wi-Fi.
This mini bio was sourced from the article '11 Bold Women Who Changed the World', written by Brynn Holland
Citrine ⎆ Manifestation ・ Imagination・ Joy
Citrine is a transparent form of quartz that ranges from a pale golden yellow, its most natural form, to honey or even brown, and may contain rainbow or sparkle inclusions. Known to attract positivity and wealth, citrine has been found in jewelry as far back as 300 BC in Ancient Greece, and is said to have been used in antiquity as a cure for bilious disorders, jaundice, and other diseases of the liver. Citrine was not made a relic in later years, being popularized by Queen Victoria in the 17th century and again by Greta Garbo during the art deco era of Hollywood fashion.
Citrine is said to hold the power of the sun, and provide warmth, comfort, and energy to the wearer. Nicknamed 'The Merchant's Stone', citrine is a stone of abundance and manifestation that attracts positivity, prosperity, wealth, and happiness. Not only does it attract affirmation and affluence, it is also unable to hold any negative energy and will transmute those adverse into feelings of optimism and self-worth.
Zodiac signs associated positively with citrine are Aires, Leo, and Libra. Wearing citrine in a bracelet leaves no barrier between the stone and your skin, allowing your body to absorb as much positive energy as possible.
Amethyst, Agate, Fluorite, Labradorite, and Sunstone all beautifully compliment the physical and spiritual properties of citrine.
Garnet ⎆Protection ・ Vitality ・ Love
Garnet is the birthstone for January & the stone that celebrates the 2nd anniversary of marriage. The word “Garnet” comes from the latin word “Garanatus,” meaning ‘seed-like,’ in reference to a pomegranate. It is said small Garnets resemble the bright red seeds you find inside the red fruit.
Garnet has an incredibly rich history. Thousands of years ago, red garnet necklaces were worn by Egyptian pharaohs who were later buried with them as prized possessions for the afterlife. In Ancient Rome, signet rings with carved garnets were used to stamp the wax that secured important documents. The King of Saxony is said to have had a garnet of over 465 carats. Plato had his portrait engraved on a piece of garnet by a Roman engraver.
Bohemia, now part of Czechoslovakia, was a tremendous source of garnet - the industry practically ran the country. Bohemian castles & churches had magnificent interiors decorated with Garnet. In fact, Bohemian garnets are famous even today. Bohemia is known for their small, but beautiful, stones that are set close to each other. Garnet jewelry is still found in Czech Republic, with the stones still arranged in the traditional, tightly joined way. This type of setting was popular because it brings attention to the classic beauty of the stones.
In Spanish astrology, the garnet once represented the sun. The term “carbuncle” was often used in ancient times to refer to red garnets - the word refers to a boil or blister. Carbuncle was thought to be one of the four precious stones given to King Soloman by God.
Centuries later, from 23 to 79 AD, red garnets were among the most widely traded gems. Later, during the Middle Ages (475 to 1450 AD), red garnet was favored by clergy & nobility. The stones were though to cure depression, protect against bad dreams, & relieve diseases of the liver, as well as hemorrhages.
Garnet has played a part in many different religious texts. Legend has it, Noah used a finely cut glowing garnet to illuminate the ark during the dark & wet days & nights. Hebrew writers include the garnet as one of the 12 gems in Aaron’s breastplate. Christian tradition considered the blood red garnet as a symbol of Christ’s sacrifice. The Koran holds the garnet illuminates the Fourth Heaven of the Moslems.
This deep red gemstone is symbolic of a quick return & separated love - fHades had given a pomegranate to Persephone before she left him to ensure her speedy return. Therefore, Garnet may be given to a beloved before embarking on a trip, as it is believed to heal the broken bond of lovers.
Garnet has incredible physical & psychological healing powers, as well. Physically, Garnet is worn to enhance bodily strength, endurance, & vigor. It is widely believed to be extremely beneficial to wear a garnet when you must exert yourself. Garnet was also thought to relive skin conditions & regulate the heart & blood. The stone has long believed to cure heart palpitations, lung diseases, & various diseases of the blood.
Psychologically, Garnet is a strong healer. Garnet’s virtues have been long believed to include passion, true friendship, fidelity, success, self-esteem, loyalty, devotion, energy, faith, consistency, & truth. The stone also sharpens your perception of yourself & other people. Garnet can ward off nightmares. Furthermore, the stone is said to inspire contemplation & truthfulness, & offers its wearer the power to protect their standing & possessions.
Iolite ⎆ Leadership・ Power・ Self Confidence
The word iolite comes from the greek word iOS, which means "violet," referring to the color of the stone. It has been nicknamed the "water sapphire." In modern culture, it is known as the stone that is gifted on a 21st anniversary.
According to legend, Iolite is known as the viking compass stone. During this time period finding the sun's position in the sky was critical in order to choose your route, ensure you're still on course, & determine what time it was. The vikings used thin slices of iolite as glare reducers & polarizing filters to ease their eyes when searching for the sun on cloudy days. Iolite behaves the same way a Polaroid does - it cancels out haze, mist, & clouds to make whatever is seen through it more clear.
Iolite is known for its pleochroism, appearing deep blue from one direction, yellow-gray or blue from another direction, & almost colorless from a third direction. it can be found as small, water-worn crystals in Myanmar, Sri Lanka, & India.
Labradorite ⎆ Magic ・ Protection
Inuits once called labradorite a "fire stone" & woud use powdered forms to help cure ailments. According to Inuit legend, Aurora Boreali's birth was from this magical stone when a warrior struck it with a spear. This freed some of the color, creating the Northern Lights, while others remained trapped in the stone, creating the incredible blue color seen when the gem is hit by light.
When wearing labradorite some have testified the stone's mystical powers enabled them to become what they wanted to be.
Labradorite is a tremendously spiritual stone, especially helpful for people who tend to overwork. It helps an individual regain energy while aiding the body & spirit in healing itself.
In the metaphysical world labradorite is considered one of the most powerful protectors. The gemstone creates a shield for auras & protects against negativity of the world. It is said to temper the negativity within ourselves, as well.
Quartz ⎆ Wisdom・ Master Healer・Balance
Quartz is the second most abundant mineral in earth's crust. It is known as the "master healer" or "universal crystal." There are many different colored quartz minerals, but pure quartz, sometimes called "rock crystal," is colorless & clear.
Clear quartz is historically known as the "ice of the gods" - it was ice frozen so hard that it could never unthaw.
Egyptians used quartz to harness energy from the sky, sun, & stars. They would place it inside an oblisk*, inviting it to generate as much energy as possible.
Quartz has been recognized as being piezoelectric, developing positive & negative charges on alternate prism edges, which is subjected to pressure or tension. The charges are proportional to the change in pressure. This ability makes quartz ideal for use with radios, TVs, & other communication equipment.
*A structure created by Ancient Egyptians that we still use today; a rectangular pillar with a tapered top forming a pyramidion, erected to commemorate an individual or event & honor the gods; ex. Washington monument.
Amethyst ⎆ Calm・ Positivity・ Decision Making
Amethyst has been a celebrated stone since 25,000 BC in the ancient civilizations of Rome, Egypt, and Greece. The story goes that Amethyst was actually a young virgin who found herself on the receiving edge of the Gods wrath when he was drunk. The young girl cried out to the Goddess Diana for help and the Goddess turned her into a shimmering pale stone. When Dionysus realized his folly, he wept into his wine glass and in his emotion overturned his goblet. The white stone soaked up the wine until it glowed a gentle purple hue.
Amethyst means ‘not intoxicated’ and comes from the ancient Greek word – Amethystos. The Greeks, recognizing the grounding poignancy of the stone, thought they could use the crystal to protect them against intoxication and that wearing amethyst would keep them from falling down drunk. Drunken behavior is often associated with a muddy mind, high emotions and clumsy decisions. As the antidote to this, Amethyst is therefore associated with crystal clear clarity, deep contemplation, and a sense of control over life.At a base level, Amethyst is renowned for bringing a sense of calm and clarity to our chaotic world. Those who keep Amethyst close will find that they feel comforted, grounded and soothed in a truly uplifting way.It also works wonderfully for those who tend to be quick to anger as it effectively dissipates the growth of rage and replaces it with a halo of serenity that can be hard to cut through.
While Amethyst works to sweep negativity away from clouding the mind, it also seems to trigger a spark that unveils our deepest wells of inspiration. When our mind is calm and focused we are able to tap into our creative mind and unveil all those ideas and interests that were stashed behind the wall of inner chaos.
Topaz ⎆ Love・ Good Fortune・ Balance
In mythology, the Topaz is portrayed as the healing and peace gemstone. Its origins started with the Romans over two thousand years ago on the Topazios Island in the Red Sea. They believed anyone spotting this gemstone would give them strength on life’s daily adventures, protect them from enemies, and bring reconciliation. They also believed that if they held this superior stone near poisoned food or drink, it’d change colors.
Similarly, this stone was worshipped in old Egypt and the Topaz stone meaning yielded supernatural powers from the sun god, Ra. South American cultures also heralded the Topaz as the stone that could alleviate sickness during the full moon.
Topaz is a stone of love and good fortune, and is highly effective for bringing successful attainment of goals. It is great for attracting the right person into one’s life, for friendship, love or business, or to improve existing relationships. It enkindles honesty, faithfulness and trust.
Regardless of the shade, the Topaz is well-known for balancing you out and preventing you from feeling overwhelmed. How? It repurposes that negative energy to positivity and reminds you that you’re worth it, you’re wonderful, and your voice matters.
There are a few common terms used when describing gold jewelry -
・Gold Plated
・Gold Vermeil
・Gold Filled
・Solid Gold
In this piece, we used a gold filled metal. Gold filled is the highest quality alternative to solid gold, with a higher gold content than both gold-plated & gold vermeil metals. It has almost 100x as much gold as gold-plated jewelry! The gold is mechanically bonded to the base metal, so it can’t rub off like gold-plated jewelry can. Gold fill has the same qualities as solid gold jewelry at a fraction of the cost.
All of our gold fill jewelry is made with 14k gold.
While it’s name implies the metal is filled with gold, the gold is actually on the outside. The term refers to a thick outer layer of durable, pressure-bonded, solid gold that covers a base metal, usually brass. The USA industry standard legally requires 5% of the metal be pure gold by weight.
Gold-fill is your best option after solid gold for quality & durability. It will not flake off or turn your skin green. Gold fill is nickel free & hypoallergenic, making it a great option for people with sensitive skin.
Hypothetically, gold-filled jewelry can last a lifetime. Actual longevity will depend on a number of factors, especially how you care for it. For details on how to care for your gold filled jewelry, see the specified drop down menu below.
14k Gold Fill jewelry is not supposed to tarnish, at least for a long time. However, it is possible for gold-fill to tarnish under certain circumstances, though it should not do so easily. Exposing your jewelry to chemicals, such as bleach, certain people’s body chemistry, chlorine (pools & hot tubs), salt water, sweat, & certain products, such as perfume, hairspray, lotions, & sunscreen. For more details, see our FAQ section or blog post on 14k Gold Fill.
Ultimately, gold-filled jewelry is perfect for everyday wear because it can handle the wear & tear of daily life, & is very affordable. It has almost 100x more gold than gold-plated, with the same qualities & durability as solid gold, but at an affordable price!
For more detailed information on gold filled jewelry, see our FAQ page & blog ☺︎
In theory, gold-filled jewelry should last a lifetime, however, it’s actual longevity depends a number of factors. The following care instructions will prolong your jewelry’s lifetime & keep it in optimal condition.
Our pieces are relatively delicate & are not meant to be worn during harsh activities, such as sports, cleaning, gardening, etc.
・Take your jewelry off when swimming in pools, hot tubs, or the ocean.
Chlorine & salt water will degrade the metal, causing your jewelry to tarnish at an accelerated rate. However, wearing your gold-filled jewelry in the shower or bath is fine, as long you dry it off properly.
・Apply makeup, lotion, hairspray, & perfume before you put on your jewelry.
・Avoid excessive contact with sunscreen. The chemicals in sunscreen are harsh on most metals.
・Take off your jewelry at the nail salon or when doing your nails at home. Nail polish remover is a harsh chemical that does not play well with gold-filled jewelry.
・Take off your jewelry before participating in activities that will cause heavy sweating. Some people’s body chemistry (which is affected by many factors, including hormones, medications) is more harsh on jewelry than others. Only ~10% of people find their body does not pair well with gold jewelry, however, better safe than sorry! Removing your jewelry before working out, tanning, etc. will ensure your jewelry will remain in pristine condition.
・Remove your jewelry before cleaning. Harsh chemicals found in cleaning products, such as bleach, can degrade even the strongest of metals.
・Clean your jewelry as soon as it starts to look dingy.
▹ Soak your jewelry in a bath of lukewarm water & mild dish soap for 10-15 minutes.
▹ Use a soft cloth to wipe your jewelry off, pat it dry, then lay it out until it is fully dry before wearing or storing it.
▹ For a deep clean that will remove dirt from your jewelry’s nooks & crannies you can use a soft brush, such as a child’s toothbrush.
▹ Our favorite jewelry cleaning tool is the ultrasonic jewelry cleaner, which removes dirt & grime by vibrating your jewelry in a warm water + soapy solution.
For more information on how to care for your jewelry visit our FAQ page & our 14k gold fill blog posts ☺