About Us

sister certified
sister, sister ☮︎ sister company
We got the entrepreneurial bug when we started our original company, Horticult. Horticult is our online plant shop where we ship plants across the country, as well as provide container gardening & interior-scaping services to residential & commercial establishments around Atlanta.
With a few years under our belt we were seeing (some semblance) of success in our plant-venture! Rather than take time to breathe easy, we decided to use the little free time we now had to start a second endeavor - selling our handcrafted jewelry!
If we've learned anything, its when you're working with your sister she's your biggest advocate, support system, & champion - it feels like you can accomplish anything.
What began as a relaxing hobby has evolved into a business, a jewelry line, & a new adventure.
We hope you'll take a look around our shop, check out our most recent designs, & join us on this wild ride ♡

female - owned
We are a proud female-owned small business.
To celebrate influential women from
the past & present -
the inspirational, the creative,
the intellectual, the revolutionary,
the politicians, the firsts, the bests
- we have titled each piece of jewelry with the name of a woman that has made a significant impact on the world.

the team
Saul & Saul Designs is the definition of family affair.
Our team members include ❧
Emily Saul, Katie Mayer, & Kathy Saul
{ Sister + Sister + Mom }
Every piece of jewelry we sell is an original design created by some combination of the three of us. We each have a different technique & style, which all come together to make up the artful conception that is Saul & Saul Designs.