First of all, what is a crystal?
Crystals are incredible rock formations that represent nature's organization. In Lamen's terms, a crystal is formed when atoms come together in an organized manner with a repeating pattern. They can be found in a number of different shapes & sizes - what they are made of determines how they are formed. For example, salt crystals form cube-shaped crystals. Some elements can even create more than one shape!
❧ For more information on what a crystal is & how it is formed, check out this blog post.
Crystals have a wide variety of functions.
Many of the first radios ever invented used crystals to transmit radio waves. Some watches, such as quartz watches, still use crystals today. Their most common application is in jewelry. They have always been seen as something of beauty & are often placed with diamonds or other stones - even today! Another popular way to use crystals is in alternative medicine for physical & mental healing.
What is crystal healing?
Crystal healing has been used since ancient times & has seen an increase in popularity recently. Ancient Egyptian, Chinese, & Greek civilizations are only a few that have been recorded using crystals for healing.
Today crystals are used in alternative medicine - medical treatments that are used other than mainstream or traditional therapies. They are used for physical & emotional benefits, including disease prevention & the cure of ailments.
Crystal healing is energy based.
The practice of crystal healing is rooted in the belief that we are all made of energies & when they become stagnant, unbalanced, or blocked, it can cause illness. Crystals enable positive, healing energy to flow into the body, while negative, disease-causing energy flows out. The crystals themselves help to unlock, balance, & direct energy to where it is most needed, supporting the body to heal in a therapeutic way. Different crystals have different energies. You can choose which crystals best suit your ailment or use them as a preventative measure.
Wearing crystals is one way holistic therapists suggest to use crystals.
There are a number of different ways holistic therapists use crystals in healing sessions. The most common way for a therapist to use them is for the patient to lie down & place the crystals on or around the affected areas. They type of crystal & the way it is positioned on your body will have different affects. However, crystals are extremely powerful & merely touching them can allow you to feel their energies. Wearing crystals in the form of jewelry is an easy way to use them at home & keep them with you throughout the day.
This is not a scientifically based healing practice.
It is worth noting that this is not a scientifically based healing practice. There is not scientific evidence to support it. Here at Saul & Saul Designs we use crystal healing as a supportive method to modern practices, rather than a substitute.
So, which crystals have what powers?
When you look up Crystal Healing, most sites give you a list of crystals followed by their individual healing properties. We wanted to flip it & give you the emotional & physical ailments, followed by the crystals that can be used to heal them.
We are going to break this down by physical & psychological ailments to help you easily find the crystal best suited for your specific needs!
This is a running list. The practice of crystal healing, as well as the healing powers associated with each stone is extensive. We will add to this list as we continue to learn! If there is a specific condition you would like us to add to our list, message us through the chat feature of our site or contact us via email ☺︎ emily@saulandsauldesigns.com
Physical Ailments
Digestive & Stomach Pains
80% of your immune system is located in your digestive tract, making your gut a focal point if you want to achieve optimal health.
❧ Peridot
Peridot has several advantages. It stimulates your heat chakra & gives you the power that is needed for dealing with any difficult problem in life, including health issues. It helps relieve stomach pain or pain faced during bowel movements. It is recommended for people who have been facing long-time stomach issues.
❧ Carnelian
This gemstone ensures the healthy functioning of organs, including the kidneys, gallbladder, liver, & stomach. Keeping these organs healthy paves the way towards healthy digestion.
❧ Jasper
Constant stress can invite many unexpected problems for your body, as well as your mind. Stress leads to bad & fluctuating mood behaviors. It can disturb your blood pressure & is a main cause behind many heart diseases. Stress also affects your digestion. When you are tense, your digestive organs do not work smoothly. Using Jasper is a great way to keep stress away & achieve a healthy stomach. It is a brilliant stone that saves you from tension & ensures good digestion.
Allergies & Asthma
❧ Carnelian
Carnelian is a therapeutic stone that aids in the treatment of lung conditions, such as asthma & allergies. More specifically, Carnelian is believed to assist with hay fever. By wearing Carnelian you can assist in alleviating your allergies, as they are associated with the solar plexus chakra & this crystal is a SPC stone.
❧ Clear Quartz
Clear Quartz can aid with allergies & other ailments. Adding this stone to an existing treatment will also aid to improve its therapeutic efficiency. Not only does it provide a generalized cleansing, it also amplifies allergy healing benefits of other crystals.
❧ Amethyst
This light purple crystal produces small, yet detectable, levels of magnetic field energy, which is though to interact with the body's magnetic field. In this way, Amethyst is a natural anti-bacterial & detoxifying agent, perfect for treating bacterial infections, skin conditions acne, & Asthma. It is powerfully healing & cleansing, acting as a pain reliever, especially targeted at headaches often caused by sinus & allergies, while simultaneously strengthening the immune system. It is a great aid to people suffering from Asthma, as its detoxifying effects provide respiratory support by removing particles from lungs.
❧ Sapphire
Sapphire restores balance within the body. It has had success when used to treat eczema & allergic dermatitis. Sapphire works well with the throat Chakra, calming the physical symptoms of allergies related to throat & sinus conditions.
❧ Agate
Agate is cool & calm, perfect for clearing out tension headaches. It neutralizes negative energy & can reduce the effect of EMF's (electromagnetic fields).
❧ Amethyst
Amethyst is a soothing & serene crown Chakra healer. This gem can easily cut through headaches thanks to its ability to help you unwind & get rid of stress. It is powerful at shifting energy blocks & negative vibrations, which contribute to painful headaches. The color purple comes from the stones iron content, which connects with the health of the brain. Wear Amethyst when you feel a tension headache coming on.
❧ Carnelian
Carnelian is a highly energetic stone, perfect for cleaning lower Chakras. If your energy becomes blocked you will feel sick & unhealthy. Carnelian has detoxifying powers, assisting in the spread of oxygen to where it is needed in the body. All of this can reduce the likelihood of a headache. Wear when you feel a headache coming on that makes you feel sluggish, slow, or like your body is struggling. Allow Carnelian bring its radiant red energy to clear you out & lift you up.
❧ Lapis Lazuli
Lapis is the perfect healing crystal for those who suffer from nausea, vertigo, & other side effects from headaches. This powerful stone assists by balancing your mind, body, & soul. Any imbalance in these categories can lead to physical ailments. Wear Lapis when you feel a migraine coming on. It will help to bring you into balance, heal your nervous system, & bring a calming energy.
❧ Hematite
Hematite has a long history of healing headaches & has been a natural soother for sore heads for centuries. This stone is known for its grounding energy. Additionally, Hematite will bring healthy circulation to the body, keeping your blood flowing, & ensuring your tissues are in good shape. It can naturally soothe the head & reduce signs of pain & inflammation. Hematite is perfect for people who have anaemic related headaches. It is awesome for keeping your body strong.
❧ Moonstone
Moonstone is awesome at healing headaches & brain fog associated with your monthly cycle. Moonstone can help heal headaches that come from hormonal imbalances & from being burnt out. Wear Moonstone whenever you feel a headache coming around your cycle, as well as when you are stressed about the idea of change.
PMS & Menstrual Cramps
❧ Moonstone
Moonstone is linked to the Goddess energy & the divine feminine. It helps with PMS & hormonal balance. It powerfully affects the reproductive organs & brings your body into its own cycle.
Fertility Issues
❧ Moonstone
Moonstone is linked to the Goddess energy & the divine feminine. It can help bring fertility issues into a healthier fruition. Parents to be will find strength & power in Moonstone as it helps to ease all kinds of physical discomforts often associated with pregnancy & childbearing.
❧ Aventurine
Aventurine is a potent fertility & pregnancy stone. It is exploding with lively energy, peace, precious harmony, & good luck.
❧ Clear Quartz
Quartz is a master healer. It heals the soul, neutralizes negativity in all aspects of your life, & guides you down the right path to achieving your dreams. This crystal is good at amplifying your intentions, as well as manifestation.
❧ Amethyst
Amethyst will help you manage the heavy load that comes with fertility & parenthood, such as ovulation cycles to morning sickness to sleepless nights. This crystal will fill you with the healing energy you need to overcome these stresses.
❧ Garnet
Garnet is the "Stone of Hope & Light." It is highly energetic stone that helps rid your body of blockages. It can invigorate your libido & help keep a balanced head on your shoulders through the obstacles of life.
❧ Unakite
Unakite is known as the "Doula Stone." It is used by midwives as it helps guide mothers forward towards a healthy pregnancy. It is heavy with uplifting energy. This crystal will give you the patience & calm that you need.
❧ Jade
Those who are trying to conceive should consider Jade as a healing stone. It can help you battle the stresses & pressures that go along with it. Jade is a lucky stone of good fortune & is known for helping you remain calm during times of high stress.
Alzheimer's & Dementia
Any form of degeneration within the brain is termed as demential. When you use healing crystals, you utilize the potency of its crystal lattices to reverse aging & introduce cell renewal.
❧ Carnelian
Carnelian is considered exceptionally helpful to control & stabilize the minds of agitated dementia patients. Wearing Carnelian releases anger or fear, which further relaxes the patent & fills them with overwhelming positivity.
❧ Moss Agate
Moss Agate has incredible healing powers, assisting to release painful memories & emotions without hurting fragile mental stability. Wearing moss agate treats diseases by energizing the body. This crystal is known for quickly curing dehydration to depression & memory loss in adults.
❧ Emerald
Emerald is a soothing green crystal that emulates calming energies of growth & healing. It relaxes the wearer & fills them with contentment & happiness. Wearing Emerald will help bring back memories & can be used for a sharp memory. It will help elderly people undergoing short & long term memory loss, including malignant dementia.
❧ Clear Quartz
Known as the "Master Healer," clear quartz absorbs negative energy & calms down the wearer. Wearing crystal quartz as jewelry is a smart way to transmute your negativity into positive opportunities that bring drastic changes.
Psychological Ailments